One thing in life I miss is the feeling you get on an aeroport when it's just you, a plane ticket, passport, backpack and the whole world ahead of you. When there's no obligations to be anywhere in particular, no people to tie you down, no promises to make and no knowledge of where you're gonna be tomorrow.
Those trips have definately been one of the best times I have had in my life.
To have a month to spend in a country you love. To sit somewhere in Kensington reading a book. To take an early train to Cambridge in order to find a Tesco store located 10 miles outside the town. To arrange a meeting with a Russian girl you've never met in Aberdeen at 6am to get keys to a flat in Southern London. To sleep at Stanstead airport. To not book a hostel in London because you're broke and go to Chinatown to spend the night instead. To get absolutely pissed in Dublin, get thrown away from a pub and escape by climbing on a fence and falling to the next pub. To get recognized by a Burger King salesperson because you've been eating there for the past 4 days, 3 times a day. To spend 2 hours in Newcastle and buy 3 pairs of shoes. To figure out the cheapest way to get from Aberdeen to London is to travel for 14 hours by bus. To sleep in a church in Durham after folk dancing the whole day. To notice there's no bus traffic to Sunderland before your coach departs from there. To buy a cheap blanket and hot water bottles in Sheffield after noticing your hostel room window cannot be closed. To come to Edinburgh and feel like you've came back home. ♥
Oh, the times I was young, careless and didn't work 6 days a week in order to get my rent paid..