Now I don't know whether this usually is the kind of a question where a simple answer exists, but for me, it was so blatantly obvious it surprised even myself. The moment I decided to go and spend an exchange year abroad.

I was seventeen that summer I was taken to the airport of Helsinki-Vantaa. I stepped on the plane, knowing that I wouldn't be back in a year. And I was dead excited. Arriving to Edinburgh, they had a sign with my name on it. And on that rainy day in August 2007, my life as it is now, began.

I managed to make friends. I even enjoyed most of my classes. I travelled to places and I bought things. I learned to love haggis. I learned to understand the Scottish accent aswell. Me, by myself. And it made me happy to be able to do all that. I was capable.
The worst crisis I faced was coming back to Finland. I had turned 18 and it was a sunny July. I didn't actually want to leave. I had started over a new life, build it all by myself on nothing. And it was like the plane ticket I held was tearing me away from who I had become. I didn't face a great cultural shock when coming to UK, but arriving back to Finland I just felt like a piece of puzzle that didn't fit in. I wasn't the same, but the surroundings were. I accidentally spoke some words of my native language with an accent, I missed baked beans and gosh, I longed to go back every single second I was awake.

I've gone back probably over ten times since. And it is what I always long to do. I'm Finnish, but the way I learned to live and see during the year will always keep me feeling a wee bit Scottish at heart. I am not torn apart anymore by being here and not being there. When I travel, I'm not torn apart by being away from Finland, not even on my month-long trips. I understood that my feeling of longing comes only from having something great out there - and that is not a shame, not something to cry over. I am just sincerely glad that I have two places I can call home.
So if you ever get the chance, go. Step out of the way and fall to the unknown. It was the best year of my life, and the best journey I ever chose to make.
Liikuttavaa! <3